A geologist is killed after he claims to have found the lost treasure of Hayes Cooper, a Wild West Texas Ranger. Walker tells Trivette the story of the treasure as they investigate. Walker gets bit by a rattlesnake and has dreams of Cooper. I have seen all 182 episodes of "Walker, Texas Ranger" (182 counting 2-parters as 1 episode and counting the 4-part episode with Michael Ironside as the Chairman as 1 episode), and I can honestly say that this is the worst episode. The plot is bland and the poor pacing does not help anything. I would rank it slightly higher if it was only a regular hour-long episode, but a 2-part episode for the bland plot only made the episode worse than it had to be. The episode just drags on and on.<br/><br/>The only memorable aspect of this episode was Walker getting bit by a rattlesnake. Apparently, the Hayes Cooper debut episode was so horrible that it was written out of the series' continuity, and subsequent Hays Cooper episodes ignored this episode.
Eanrnat replied
338 weeks ago